Driving and drivers licenses in Switzerland

Driving and driving licenses in Switzerland

Tips and guidelines for driving a motorhome in Switzerland

Basic driving rules in Switzerland

Driving is always on the right hand side of the road and priority is to the right.

It is imperative that you carry your national driving license. If the license is not in French, English, German or Italian, you will have to obtain an international driving license.

In traffic circles, traffic moves in a anticlockwise direction.

All of the occupants of the vehicle must wear a seat-belt, in the front of the vehicle as well as at the back. Children under 12 years of age or shorter than 1.50m must travel in an ECE44.03 standard child seat or infant seat.

Always overtake on the left and leave a good distance before merging back into your lane especially in front of trucks.

Since 2014, daytime and nighttime low beams are mandatory. 

The use of cell phones while driving and the use of hands-free kits are prohibited in Switzerland.

The speed limit for motorhomes is:

  • 30km/h in residential areas 
  • 50 km/h or 60km/h  in cities and agglomerations
  • 80 km/h on most roads
  • 120km/h on highways

The legal blood alcohol level must be less than 0.5 g/l. Otherwise, legal proceedings will be initiated.

In the case of an accident, first call: 112

Be aware that traffic signals differ from vertical to horizontal from one country to another. Pay attention and adjust your driving!

This information is subject to change from time to time. Be sure double check before your trip.

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