Practical advice for Canada
Some practical information for your trip.
The time change
GMT-4 / GMT-5 / GMT-6 / GMT-7 / GMT-8
Canada is divided into 6 different time zones. From west to east the regions are: Pacific, Rocky Mountains, Central, Eastern, Atlantic and Newfoundland. All times are based on Paris.
Therefore, in Newfoundland 4 hours and 30 minutes must be subtracted from Paris time. In the Atlantic region 5h must be subtracted and in the East region 6 hours must be subtracted.
In the centre region 7 hours must be subtracted and in the Rocky Mountain region 8 hours must be subtracted. In the Pacific region 9 hours must be subtracted.
The voltage in Canada is 110-120 volts. The plugs function with at least 2 flat prongs. Remeber to pack adapters.
Check the compatibility of your chargers (110-220) or pack a converter.
Emergency numbers
Emergency services (police, fire brigade, ambulances): 911
Vehicles Available
Motorhomes in Canada
4x4s in Canada
Truck Campers in Canada
Class B in Canada
Luxury Coaches in Canada
Campevans in Canada
General Info
Canada: The horizon is the limit! Ideal for motorhome travel, a holiday with complete freedom!
Canada is a popular country - book months in advance
The permit B driving license is sufficient for driving even the biggest motorhomes, the driving conditions are easy, the national parks welcome vehicles of all sizes!
The Indian summer period from mid September to mid October will allow you to enjoy the nature at the best prices.
The camping sites are spacious and numerous throughout the country

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